Third Eye Volunteers
Nepal is second richest country in the water resources of the world. Nepal is very rich country in the world for other resources like minerals, jungle, human resource etc but it is still a poorest country in the map of the world. Nepal government is not able to give adequate fund to the local organizations, social organizations etc. More than 35% of the total population lives stil under the extreme poverty with income less than a dollar a day.
The organizations like schools, libraries, orphanage homes, community buildings, cultural heritage sites etc are in very need of construction works like building a room, toilets, walls, fences etc. If you would like to help Nepal, learn in Nepal the basic architectural of Nepali construction; you are welcome to Nepal for construction volunteering program.
In construction volunteering volunteers will be making small houses for very poor and homeless people of the villages, construction of school buildings, Construction of public toilets which can benefit large number of people. The school construction is very important construction work to do in Nepal. When you see school building in rural parts of Nepal, you will be amazed. We human beings are here on the Earth to construct not to destroy.
Please contact us for construction volunteering program. You can either raise fund, form a group and come Nepal for construction volunteering or you can join in the volunteering programs where construction is going on. We will choose a best place for you.
Nepal was hit by worse Earthquake on 25 April, 2015. In many districts of mid and western Nepal, many structures are destroyed by Earthquake. The victims of Nepal Earthquake disaster in great need of helping hands. Volunteer to help reconstruct Nepal. The social organizations like school, libraries, community buildings are in great need. The houses where single widow live, only elderly people live living under bad condition. Come Nepal and learn from nepal helping Nepal making construction that benefits the community and families.
Third eye volunteer Nepal offers group volunteer program in Nepal.
This is our invitation to volunteers from all over the world to come Nepal and build houses or wells or toilets to improve the life of Nepalis community.